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Healthy, wealthy and wise: A health impact assessment of Future currents - Electricity scenarios for New Zealand 2005-2050

1 November 2006

This study is a first for our office. Previous PCE studies have acknowledged the importance of health impacts, but this is the first in which we have used the tools of a health impact assessment (HIA).

Human health and well-being depend on the condition of the ecosystems of which we are a part. Despite huge advances in technology we depend on nature for the basics of life - the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.

Here we explore the public health outcomes of two scenarios for New Zealand's electricity sector. One scenario follows a business as usual path - the other, smart design and energy efficiency.

It is clear that the overall health benefits are greater under the smart design scenario. These benefits are on top of improved energy security and a reduction in greenhouse gases. Good decisions on energy are good for our climate, good for people's pockets and good for their health.